Lettore per accesso area spa Termostato per camera hotel Interruttore con placca di design in tecnopolimero Pulsanti bianchi di design Termostato AVE bianco Domotica alberghiera AVE al Touring Hotel & Spa Interruttori bianchi AVE Domus 100 Rilevatore antintrusione AVE Lettore per hotel touch personalizzato Lettore interno camera hotel Punto luce Domus 100 AVE Lettore card per abilitazione servizi di stanza Impianto elettrico AVE per hotel domotico Presa di corrente da camera Punto luce con interruttori bianco Lettore per accesso camera Vip System Touch Presa di corrente di design per spa Contenitore per lettore apriporta Antintrusione per hotel AVE Gestione alberghiera AVE - Locali comuni
Hotel and B&B

Touring Hotel & Spa – Edolo (BS)

Located in the heart of Edolo, a Brescia municipality, the Touring Hotel & Spa has chosen the most modern AVE solutions to offer a service of excellence to who wish to stay in the fascinating Val Camonica.

The advanced Vip System Touch readers, here declined in white crystal version, allow guests to access their room simply by placing their card on the reader. Not only. The same guest card, if enabled, also allows access to reserved services – in this case to the spa area.

The AVE technology also intervenes to increase the security level of the Touring Hotel & Spa. The anti-intrusion system is managed by the modern AVE control unit combined with the advanced wall volumetric detectors.

Inside the structure, even the electrical system becomes part of the extremely refined overall project. Framing the elements of the Domus 100 wiring accessories series we find the ultra-thin Young 44 front plates, whose youthful aesthetic transforms the light points into integrated furnishing elements.