Tecnologie AVE in un appartamento nel cuore di Roma Placche Smart 44 Touch: un contatto moderno e intuitivo Placca Touch AVE ultrasottile con comandi a sfioro Impianto domotico AVE con placche ultrasottili Comandi sensibili al tocco con le placche Smart 44 Touch Design retroilluminato delle placche Smart 44 Touch Placche Smart 44 ultrasottili per un’estetica moderna Placca Smart Touch in metallo con un design elegante Placche Smart 44 a scivolo per una maggiore sicurezza Placche Smart 44 Touch con comando sensibile al tocco Comandi touch per un controllo intuitivo AVE Multipresa AVE inserita in placca ultrasottile Smart 44 Smart 44 Touch: la fusione di design elegante e tecnologia touch Controllo a sfioramento con AVE Smart Touch Placche Smart 44: l’innovazione ultrasottile di AVE Referenza AVE - Appartamento Roma Placca AVE Smart 44 in metallo Soluzioni touch innovative per la domotica AVE con Smart 44 Placche Smart 44 con elementi Tekla Multipresa AVE: quattro prese in un unico monoblocco da 3 moduli Multipresa AVE da incasso con USB Comandi touch Smart 44 per una gestione rapida e intuitiva della casa

Apartment – Rome

AVE technologies have been implemented in an apartment located in the heart of Rome, where design and innovation come together to create a cutting-edge living experience.

The system is based on the AveBus home automation, which allows for the management and automation of various aspects of the home to improve quality of life and optimize energy consumption. With devices such as the AveBus temperature and humidity sensor, environmental parameters can be precisely controlled, maintaining ideal thermal comfort and contributing to energy savings.

The apartment’s aesthetics are enhanced by the Tekla 44 wiring accessories series and the ultra-thin Smart 44 front plates in metal. Notably, the Smart 44 Touch version delivers a modern “touch” to the home: touch-sensitive commands, backlit for easy identification even in the dark, combine functionality with elegance, offering an intuitive and enjoyable interaction.

To improve socket protection, the Smart 44 sliding front plates feature a patented system that allows them to cover the socket when not in use. Another distinctive element is the AVE Multisocket, a compact monoblock that integrates four socket combinations (with USB Type-A, and Type-C) into just three modules.