Impianto domotico con placche AVE Young 44 Interruttori AVE Allumia 44 con placche Young 44 Lettore di card per hotel Ave Allumia con placca Young 44 Referenza AVE Rifugio Capanna Presena Presa di corrente grigio Ave con placca Young 44 Presa di corrente bagno AVE con placca Young 44 Impianto elettrico di design AVE - Placche Young 44 Lettore di card per hotel - Design AVE Allumia 44 Impianto elettrico AVE per camera di hotel con placche Young 44 Interruttori grigio AVE con placche Young 44 Punti luce AVE di design con placche Young 44 Lettori di card per hotel AVE con placche Young 44 Prese AVE Allumia 44 con placchetta Young 44 Interruttori grigio AVE al Rifugio Capanna Presena Presa di corrente AVE per servizi igienici Punti luce di design AVE nelle camere del Rifugio Capanna Presena referenza AVE Rifugio Capanna Presena - Passo del Tonale Lettori di card per hotel alla Referenza AVE Rifugio Capanna Presena Controllo accessi AVE - Referenza Rifugio Capanna Presena Impianto elettrico AVE nelle camere del rifugio Sistema di gestione alberghiera AVE al Rifugio Capanna Presena
Hotel and B&B

Rifugio Capanna Presena – Passo del Tonale (TN)

Rifugio Capanna Presena at Passo del Tonale has adopted the evolved system of hotel management DOMINA Hotel, combined with the revolutionary front plates Young by AVE, to transform a night on the Presena glacier into a unique experience at a high altitude.

DOMINA Hotel offers Rifugio Capanna Presena effective control of the entire facility. The safety and comfort level of each room can be increased directly from the PC at the reception. The card programmer MIFARE® allows to shift from check-in procedures to the creation and delivery to the client of the customised access card in a few minutes. Access cards are totally safe and cannot be cloned. The user has to merely insert the card in the dedicated external reader to open the door, and place it in the internal reader to enable electrical loads and services associated with the room. When the room is unoccupied, the electrical loads will be once again disconnected to prevent any short circuits and to benefit by net energy savings.

The best technology combines a young, modern and elegant design. All the system’s visible elements have been chosen with matching aesthetic features based on the design of the Wiring Accessories Series Allumia Touch and of the revolutionary front plates Young by AVE. The colour chosen from a catalogue that presents 15 colour variants is Ash. The front plates Young can thus be perfectly inserted alongside the Wiring Accessories Series Allumia Touch, for a trendy system enlivened by a contemporary look. Indeed, the innovative feature of these front plates is the ultra flat design and their 3D perception. This is achieved through modern double printing techniques in which the coloured body of the front plate merges with a clear external surface to create a new perception of depth.

With AVE’s technology and design, Rifugio Capanna Presena offers the comfort of a high class hotel on the highest peak in the district.